Thursday, June 10, 2010

prehensile toes

Today I think I may be a tiny bit better--perhaps there's an incremental degree more control in my right leg. I can wiggle my toes and move some of them independently of the others.

Wait, you may be asking. Did she just say say she moves her toes independently of each other?

She did indeed. It's true: I have ambidextrous, prehensile toes--and I'm not just talking about that big toe, either (pshaw! Everyone can move that one!). I can move all my toes independently of each other to greater or lesser degrees, some better than others. This talent is a remnant, no doubt, from my ancestral period spent as a tree monkey, and I've always been very proud of it. I can pick things up with my prehensile toes. I can waggle my pinkie toe and make it wave at you in a rather creepy fashion.

And of course I have practiced most of my tricks for more hours than can possibly be good for anyone, so my toes are strong and limber. Don't try to steal candy from my toes! My toes will come after you. And for dexterity and strength, my toes will beat your fingers in a wrestling match nine times out of ten.

And they probably still can, loss of sensation notwithstanding.

So the fact that my prehensileness is still fully functional is very cheering to me. If I can get toe ambidexterity back, surely my other abilities will emerge with time, too.

1 comment:

elbichovoraz said...

For real? I mean, I thought it was impossible due to many pages saying "nope, our toes arent like that, bla bla look at this homunculus"

Like, can you move your 4th toe alone? flip the... toe?