Friday, June 11, 2010


So, "divergence" seems to be SDSU's word du jour to describe its own themes and trends. Themes and trends in what area, you ask? I've no idea. You know: just themes and trends. As in, the current ones, whatever they might be.

SDSU is currently advertising some art exhibit under the name "Divergence"; there's no description of the exhibit's themes or goals other than the name itself, which as you've probably gathered I'm having a hard time figuring out. However, they do state the following: "While the stylistic and generational differences between these important artists are vast, they share a commitment to conceptual acuity and visual strength."

Well, that was helpful! Come see this new exhibit, with all its attendant strengths and differences! The artists might be important! We're not sure why they're important, but we know they all have one thing in common: they're committed to showing something visual!

Of course, I'd have thought that kind of goes without saying when you're putting together an art exhibit, but I've been wrong about such things before.

Especially when it comes to art.

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