Saturday, June 12, 2010

the body is an amazing thing

The body is such an amazing thing. I am reminded of this almost every day. Of course this is pretty much the first thing you recognize once you start losing some of your former capacities, but the nice thing is, you appreciate it even more once some of those capacities start coming back.

Don't get me wrong: I've still got a very long way to go. This is an incremental process. I'm to the point now where I can't tell necessarily whether there's even been some improvement or not, although I know that there's been a great deal of improvement since my original diagnosis. But the day-by-day and even week-by-week improvements are very subtle.

I'd like to have my sensation back, but I've learned how to work around it. It's such an astonishing thing to me that I can still type, given that I have no sensation in my fingertips. It's just another reminder of what an amazing thing the brain is. I assume my brain is remembering my original body map and is still using it as if nothing ever happened or as if there weren't a huge necrotic blockage right in the middle of it. And for the most part the body adjusts to the new reality.

And so I type away, and for the most part the words form just as they ever did. I've even got my old speed back. Motor skills continue to improve, just as they did when I was growing up. In fact, much of this experience is like growing up again, except you get the novel perspective of seeing it all happen in high speed.

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