Wednesday, September 13, 2006

not sleeping?

I've always suffered from pretty bad insomnia--the kind where you end up getting out of bed at two in the morning to go mow the lawn and stuff. It's a family problem--my brother and father have it, too. We all get up in the middle of the night and bang our heads against the wall because we can't sleep.

But it seems I've just found a cure for this: Wimsatt and Beardsley's "The Well-Wrought Urn," which I was trying to slog through last night for today's class. It may be just literary theory in general that does it. All I know is this: I was reading the stuff before bedtime, in my office, fully dressed and not even primed for bed, and my head lurched forward and hit the table. I fell asleep mid-sentence.

And I slept all night long and didn't wake up even once. Nevermind that my dreams thereafter were full of extremely boring classroom images. I tend to prefer the cinematic kind of dream--preferably involving pirates--but you can't have everything. This stuff worked better than a Tylenol PM.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

most somniferous book ever: Uncle Tom's Cabin.