Saturday, July 15, 2006

Oh Mighty Isis

In my continung pursuit of non-essential internet information, I today researched the biography of Joanna Cameron, the actress I idolized as a young child when she played Isis in the Saturday morning lineup. Remember Isis? It was one of those dual-identity programs: young archeologist teacher by day, superhero when need arises. She'd chant, "Oh Mighty Isis!" and then there'd be some sort of wind-blowing motion, and a large stone would appear on her forehead. Apparently a crow was involved too, though I don't remember this part.

So what's she doing today? Nothing much, apparently. After the TV show she became a nurse, and now, according to her biography, she's in the hotel business. And of course the autograph-signing business. That's what those Star Trek conventions are for, after all! Signings by long-lost idols you never thought you'd see again.

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