Monday, July 10, 2006

nanny state

You'd expect to see a story like this in the "Odd News" section of CNN, not on the front page of the London Times. But apparently some poor woman has had to defend herself in the British court system after being accused of putting--gasp!--TRASH in her recycling bin.

I especially love the part about how they still believe she may be responsible for "the contamination," even if the prosecution was not able to prove beyond a doubt that it was she (and, say, not some passerby) who put the trash into her city-provided recycling bins.

Do they have nothing better to worry about over there?


Anonymous said...

I've just recently heard, 1st hand, too, of a such similar occurrence on our own soil, New Jersey! Gasp!!!

critbritlit said...

I once accidentally put a hand-held vacuum into my recycling bins to be toted away. I was very bummed about that, actually; apparently it had gotten buried under the newspapers, and I just didn't see it when I put the containers out. But just think--if I'd been living in London, I could have done TIME for that!