Wednesday, July 19, 2006


For some reason I'm completely enchanted with this guy. So enchanted, in fact, that I am putting this link with sound effects right here, so that I can get the full impact whenever I check my own blog.

It's not going to be everyone's cup of tea. But then, neither are the Gyuto Monks, for whom I also have a great fondness. I saw the Gyuto Monks live in Escondido once. They were completely hypnotic. They made some sort of resonating buzzing sound that vibrated right through your body. The auditorium--which was huge--was completely full; after about twenty minutes of listening to the monks I gave myself a shake, looked around, and noticed that everyone there had gone into some sort of major torpor. Lots of vacantly staring eyes, hanging mouths, and drool.

Of course I bought the CD immediately. If you turn it loud enough you can get something close to the same effect. I like to play it at parties when I'm ready for things to wind down. It clears a crowd like nobody's business.

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