Friday, July 21, 2006

Maggie Starr

I was completely appalled to learn from one of my enterprising students that the heroine of my serialized novel, "Maggie Starr and the Demon Cat," shares a name with a very active porn star. I shall not provide the link here, thank you very much; you can go and check her out for yourself if you care to investigate further. But suffice to say she's made movies with titles like "The Anal Destruction of Olivia Saint" and "Bang My White Tight Ass."

At least my heroine came by her name first. I wrote my novel in 1995 for the Japanese Newspaper Asahi News. I wouldn't say it was a sensation, exactly, but I did receive fan mail, which is more than I can say for some of the academic books I've written. I'm not sure anyone's even ever read those. So I'd like to indulge in the fantasy that the up-and-coming Miss Starr was intrigued by my wholesome heroine and decided to borrow Maggie's good name as her own.

Yes, that must be it.

I did not ask Mr. Fencehopping how he happened to come by this information. I assume he came across it serendipitously while conducting his thesis research. As usual, however, I'd like to publicly thank him and all my students for so diligently looking out for my interests.


Jon said...

Don't forget "American Bukkake #20" which deserves notice due to the apparent popularity of the series and the fact that Bukkake in general, after much thesis-related research, turns out to be rather gross.

Conclusion: people are gross.

Conclusion: The medieval prof wrote bukkake stories about cats.

Anonymous said...

Wait! I thought that they were one and the same Maggie Starr. Millions of fans will be saddened to realize that there will be no 'cat-on-cat' action. You could have had such wonderful sequels, the titles of which I will keep to myself.
Let me also say that I just performed a google search on Jon's new Japanese word, being naive. If disgust were expressed by population figures, I'd be China...and the coastal regions of India.

Anonymous said...

Well, I cannot keep all possible title names to myself.

"Maggie meats the demon cat"

and the production by Woody Allen:

"Maggie does anal, but then regrets it and spends time in New York working on her existential comedy and working through the guilt brought on by both her prediliction for anal sex and the guilt from a Jewish childhood filled with mean felines."
The shortened title of such a film: Maggie does anal.


critbritlit said...

Sigh. All right, I direct all viewers to Jon's Fencehopping blog (, where I have already commented regarding my ignorance on this matter, as well as bemoaned yesterday's lost innocence.

I was most distressed, however, to read Jon's theory that the up-and-coming Miss Star (no pun intended) was influenced by my little novel as a child, and that "Maggie Starr and the Demon Cat" may have indeed propelled her toward her unusual career.

Well, that's us profs: shaping young lives everywhere.