Sunday, July 23, 2006

mommy moments

Well, a couple of days ago I had one of those wonderful mommy moments, where you get to watch your child sing solo and dance in front of a large crowd of people. I think the proper protocol is to videotape the entire event while weeping copiously into the front of your blouse.

I've never been able to manage that even in the best of circumstances. And unfortunately, our event was marred from the beginning, when a small child threw up all over the opening number.

I was moved by the plight of the child, of course, but mostly I was just concerned that my own daughter was standing somewhat nearby and might have been contaminated by flying specks of vomit. Indeed, I spent most of the performance monitering her proximity to the sick child and estimating her chances of contracting the illness herself.

Vomit just ain't my thing, you know?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes...vomit can be a vile and grotesque thing. Just the other day while enjoying a broiled grapefuit for breakfast with my mother, my two year old looked rather pale and peakish. I asked him what was wrong...I knew he had either done something he knew he was going to be pusihed for, or he was sick. He crawled up the side of my chair and projectile vomited all into my lap...which filled...and seeped into all sorts of places vomit should never go.
Children are wonderful creatures. I was in proximity of flying chunks and I did contract said illness.