Tuesday, June 01, 2010

O! Horrid day, when will thee be finished?

This sucks: I have to fast all day. I'm scheduled to get a PET scan, which is some sort of special scan that will allow the doctors to see more precisely what's going on with my tumor, and it requires a 3-hour fast before they inject the necessary dyes.

As in any day when I'm not allowed to eat--or frankly, when I'm simply not allowed something, food or otherwise, to which I am normally accustomed to having free access--I can now think of nothing other than whatever it is I'm not allowed to have.

And since I have a very nimble imagination, it's torture.

Turkey sandwiches, made with that French batarde from Bread and Cie! A wee wedge of that cherry pie I made yesterday! It's amazing how my brain snaps right back into perfect working order when it comes to imagining food.

I am feeling most sorry for myself.

1 comment:

DC said...

Good luck! Hope the PET scan goes well. Just focus on how much cherry pie you can eat after it is all done with!