Monday, May 31, 2010

things I wish I didn't know

So today's mail included the San Dieguito Water District's Quality Report. And since there really wasn't much in the report to assure me about the quality of the water I and my family are drinking, I'm feeling rather sorry I read it.

But what can I say? Nothing fun arrived today--no catalogs, no early birthday presents to myself, nada. It was a bad mail day. Which meant it was just me and the Annual Water Quality Report.

The first section of the report is called "Is my water safe?"

To which the San Dieguito Water Report responds with a vigorous and resounding "YES!"

And thus ensues a long list of the contaminants that actually have been detected in our drinking water, all of which our man Larry Watt, the head of the Encinitas Water District, assures us, are within legal ranges and probably not in the least bit harmful to our health.


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