Wednesday, July 05, 2006

internet express

One of the things I love about the internet is that I can instantly satisfy my urge to know the answer to profoundly useless questions. Like, does Martha Grimes use a ghost writer, because the writing in her new mysteries totally sucks. And, was Zelda Fitzgerald really the partying-socialite-sucker-of-energy she is so often reported to be, or was she the brains behind F. Scott's books, like she claimed? Whatever happened to Brian Dennehy? Is he still alive? And, how many chinchillas DOES it take to make a fur coat, anyway? (Answer: 140)

So these are very important questinos, surely. But the sad thing about actually getting the answer to them is that then you think of even more frivolous questions. And the next thing you know, there you are, frittering away an entire day gaining useless trivial knowledge to share with your classes during dull moments.

Well, maybe it's not totally worthless, then?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Worthless? bah! I heard about and investigated Julia Child's pre-foodguru past. And besides have you ever really paid attention to sitcoms?