Tuesday, May 25, 2010

embarrassing my neighbors

It's amazing how ashamed my neighbors get if they get a peek of me without my wig. It's like they spotted me in my underwear or something.

And it's not even like I'm totally bald, either. I have hair; it's just shorn close to my head while it's growing back out again. But even that seems like too much a reminder for people.

So it's for their sake that I clad myself in scarves, hats, and wigs when I wander into the outer realms. If it were up to me I'd wander around in my bald-headed glory, because it's cooler, among other things, and I kind of like the way the wind feels on my scalp. I'm actually kind of proud of my battle scars; they're like a survivor's badge or something. And I find I also like that clean sculpted look.

But I understand! It's not for everyone, and so many people are afraid of anything that reminds them of illness or--god forbid--death.

It's too bad, because I think all of us would probably benefit by taking another look and rethinking their relationship to, well, to just about everything. This is all natural; it's all part of living.

And as I keep saying, I'm okay. And I'm going to continue to be okay.


Yara said...

I think I might go around bald out of spite. But then, I've never been bald, particularly due to a brain tumor, so I don't know. Maybe I'd come out of it less contrary than I am now.

critbritlit said...

I'm pretty contrary these days! In that really contrary, self-entitled kind of way. But I'm going to say not unreasonably so. Sometimes people need to be shaken up a bit!