Monday, May 24, 2010

Chase: the Stupidest Bank in the world

Talk about a good way to alienate your customers, maybe forever. Send them an email instructing them to read the "important new legal agreements" that apparently your institution feels it has a right to impose, despite the lack of prenotification or mutual agreement. Then, when the customer follows instructions to find the documents and click on them, shut down the entire system and blame it on "user error."

Nice trick! But please, what kind of dumbass do you think I am?

The kind who gets really ticked off at these repeated games, that's who. The kind who's never missed a payment. The kind who financed her house through you and whose continued patronage earned you all kinds of dividends.

The kind who's been through a lot and has absolutely had it.

Do they not know I always kept other mistresses on the side? I can take out all my money and put it elsewhere in a matter of minutes. And I can do it all online, without stirring a step from my irritated position at my kitchen countertop.


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