Saturday, May 29, 2010

big strides

And then one day, in the space of a day, you feel almost entirely like your old self. You're getting dressed, fastening buttons, making yourself breakfast, trotting up and down the stairs, checking your email and writing letters to people. You're hoping no one's mad you've been out of touch.

What happened? I'm on the new drug therapy, of course: the Avastin. Maybe that's all it took: the old drug wasn't working for me, the new one is. Or maybe it's a combination of things as all the therapies they have tried finally come together.

The important thing I know is that today I feel like I'm okay again. Now I feel like I'm just recovering from some bad sinus cold that clogged my head for a while but is finally clearing. And I have this sense, as you do when you're recovering from a cold, that things will continue to improve.

And now I think I'll take a nap! Yep, it's 8 am and I'm going to take a nap. Because this is America and because I can.

I did hop out of bed at 5, though!

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