Wednesday, August 23, 2006

not nadia, never was

Well, yesterday I managed to seriously injure myself while attempting to demonstrate a "death drop" on the jungle bars to my child. The death drop, as every well-trained elementary schooler knows, is where you swing backwards off the bar by your knees, flip yourself up midair, and land brilliantly on your feet, like Nadia Comaneci or something.

Except that it didn't work out quite like that for me.

I'm really not sure what possessed me. There I was, dangling from the bars by my knees, suddenly remembering with great clarity the sensation of flying through the air and sticking that landing. It seemed at that moment that I could replicate the move exactly. Never mind that I hadn't attempted this maneuver in, oh, about thirty years.

Note to self: you're not twelve years old anymore.


Jon said...

So does this qualify as a "Professor coming down to Earth" moment? Lucky nobody saw you do a faceplant or they might not believe you know so much about Chaucer.

Shouldn't you be preparing to drop knowledge and know-how on your students, not trying to spin around and do flips and whatnot?

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh are you alright!!? You were a gymnast as kid weren't you? I guess so or why else would try it again!

I'm not nearly as daring as "I used to be" jumping off of high dives, wild bicycle maneuvers, etc. Too damn scared of just that, ouch!!!

Anonymous said...

I remember doing those flips too...Did you ever tie your jacket around your waist and to the bars so you flip over and over at warp speed? I however have moved on to bigger and better tricks now that my center of gravity has migrated toward my knees. My sons and I like to recreate acrobatic moves with absoltuely no training. I lay on my back and my son sits on my feet. I hoist them into the air and at the appropriate moment they stand straight up on my hands. We have tried stading on my feet but alas...we can never land it.